Hydrogen Bus in the Netherlands
Gea Bakker, 60, starts up a hydrogen bus at the depot in Groningen, a northern city in the Netherlands. Bakker says as a child she dreamt to be a bus driver. At age 56, she enrolled at Qbuzz, the Dutch bus company owned by an Italian conglomerate, and was trained. "This was the best decision in my life," says Bakker. And now, Bakker says she is proud of something new: driving an emission-free hydrogen bus. The provinces Groningen and Drenthe currently operate one of the largest zero-emission bus fleets in Europe with 20 hydrogen buses now and a total of 30 buses by the end of 2021. To refuel these buses, Shell built a large hydrogen refuelling stations. Bakker says she gets a lot of interest from young people wanting to know how a hydrogen bus works. "I've driven a lot of buses, from electrical buses to double-deckers, but it's the hydrogen bus that I like most," says Bakker. "It feels steady and solid, and, of course, it runs on green energy."
The North is the ideal testing ground for public and private zero emission transport which reduces the diesel emissions. An H2 car or bus emits only water vapour as a residual flow.
- Filename
- Qbuzz_Hydrogen_Europe_Justin_Jin_001_JIN08185-AL1.tif
- Copyright
- Justin Jin / JJ Productions
- Image Size
- 7952x5304 / 120.7MB
Bus EU European Holandés Hollande Klimawandel L'hydrogène Nachhaltigkeit Nederland Nederlands Niederlande Niederländisch Néerlandais Pays-Bas Umwelt Wasserstoff a330 ambientale ambiente bakker brint bus driver bæredygtighed bæredygtigt bærekraft bærekraftig cambiamento climatico cambio climático carbon-free cell colour de-carbonisation de-carbonization decarbonisation dienst documentary driver durable dutch duurzaam duurzaamheid emission employment energi energia energie energija energy energía erneuerbare europe female fornybar fuel fuel cell gea green groningen h2 hernieuwbaar hidrógeno holanda holland hydrogen idrogeno jin justin justin jin klimaatverandering klimaendringer klimatske promjene klimaændringer l'environnement la durabilité le changement climatique les énergies renouvelables medio ambiente milieu miljø mobility morning nachhaltig netherlands new a330 obnovitelné zdroje obnovljivi izvori održivo održivost okoliš olandese power qbuzz renewable renewables renovables reportage rinnovabili sostenibile sostenibilidad sostenibilità sostenible summer sustainable technology transport udržitelnost value chain value-chain van hool vedvarende vodik vodík water water fuel waterstof woman zero zero emission zero-emission změna klimatu životní prostředí възобновяеми източници енергия изменение на климата околна среда устойчиво устойчивост אנרגיה מימן מתחדש סביבה קיימא קיימות שינויי אקלים الهيدروجين ، الطاقة المتجددة ، الاستدامة ، البيئة ، البيئة ، المستدام ، تغير المناخ ، водород エネルギー 再生可能 可再生 可持续 可持续性 持続可能な 持続可能性 気候変動 氢 水素 环境
- Contained in galleries
- Hydrogen - All, Hydrogen Valley, H2 Bus